Sunday, June 22, 2008


I want to ask if there is anything left to do in prep for this reunion. Have you Payson-ites divvied up all assignments? No one gave me anything to do. Should I be offended or grateful? I'll volunteer for clean-up duty! Do we want to make a follow-up photobook for Grandma?

My little family will be arriving on Thursday 7th, I believe. We can't stay long at all - turns out, Ethan starts school on the 11th. I know Kris's kids start on the 12 or something. We prolly should have planned ahead a little better... Will someone please let us know what the plan is for the weekend? Jesse, are you racing? Lisa, who is signed up to run? (I have a list of excuses why I will not which I feel so obliged to share...)

It will be Neva's first birthday on the 10th. Will you all join us for cake sometime on the 9th?
Ummm... and could Candace please bake us a fab cake?

I am so excited to see you all again. I have been looking forward to this for a long time now. Please let me know if there is anything left for me to do.
