I just thought I would send a quick note out to see how all are doing. We too are back into a routine. We got our basement put back together after Jacob left the hose on for about 4 days while we were out of town. It was quite the surprise. Maya and Jacob are as silly as ever. Last night I took Jacob home teaching. It was a hoot he thought he was so official, even thought we were just visiting the parents of some of his friends. Leah is Patty's baby. I think Patty and Leah have been able to enjoy these first few months together.
Fall has arrived in Payson. In the mountains this morning there was as light frost on the pines. It looked nice with the fall colors, but Patty and I aren't ready to be done riding the single track on our bikes. We are trying to get as many rides as we can in.
Well, I guess that's all for now. We need to hear from more of you! Tell us what you are up to.
Take care all,