Thursday, April 10, 2008

coup de grace

I'm been meaning to do this post for a few months now and am finally getting it done. Jeff and his band, "coup de grace" came out with a CD a few months ago and I am so proud of him! I am posting a link to the bands "my space" page you can listen to some of their songs and even purchase the CD if you'd like. He has been playing with these guys for quite a few years they are two brothers who live down the street from Grandma, and a girl from West Mountain. Anyway I hope you enjoy.

Here are a couple of great pictures my mom sent me. Can you believe that is little Jeffrey he certainly doesn't look like my little baby brother, he's grown up on me........ - Andrea


Colby Alexander said...

Baby Jeff, is not a baby anymore! How these little boys have grown into handsome man!

Jennifer said...

jeff looks pretty groovy in these pictures.
i went to listen to the band and thought it was pretty decent stuff. is this strictly studio stuff or do they play gigs too?