Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Catie & Colby's blog

So apparantly Catie and Colby have their own blogsite, which they have neglected to tell us about (at least, they never told me...). I am linking their site on the sidebar for those of you, like me, who were out of the loop but who do not wish to be. If they are not happy with this link-age, too bad.
I was happy to see that bunch again. Congratulations on new baby Sophia! And while we are at it, rounds of congratulations are due all over the place:

1. Baby Sophia
2. DeeAnn's new house
3. Cody's graduation
4. Jeff's graduation
5. pending: Cassie and Dan's baby (she is now three days overdue...)
6. Parry for getting online

Am I forgetting anyone? Hope you are all very well.


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