Sunday, May 13, 2007

mother's day

this is Patty. Happy mother's day to all of you that are mothers. I thought that since so many of the inlaws have posted something I better too. I know you are all very disappointed that you guys aren't going to get a pregnant belly shot from me...but believe me it, it's for the better. You all know, (thanks to Cathy) that Jacob thinks I have a big butt...enough said. I am however greatful for this little one growing inside me and I can't wait to see her. It is too bad that all 7 of us having babies this year don't live closer so they can all grow up playing together and being little friends. Imagine the fun all of the little girls would have together! Life here in Payson is pretty great. I'm excited DeeAnn is moving close by. She is so good to me...well all of us. I hope my little kids don't wear her out by wanting to be over at her house all the time. I am going to have set some rules for grandma's sake. well we still need to post a picture of our van.


Anonymous said...

patty, you should know that the "big butt" story is one of the funniest i have ever heard. i have repeated it in select company and its always appreciated. so i guess you took one for the team, seeing as the funny is at your expense.
You are so lucky to be so close to family. Its the one thing we really have a hard time with living out here.
How was your mothers day? This is a question to anyone who is reading. Mine started off with kisses, a cleaned kitchen and a breakfast of waffles with whipped cream and berries. I got gorgeous orchids, a bead bracelet made by Ethan along with a letter from him stating that he thought i was 8 feet tall, 22 years old and beautiful (and that my favorite hobby is to have a quiet time from my kids). I've enjoyed chocolate covered strawberries today and many pictures of happy moms holding hands with their happy families.
A girl could get used to this sort of life, wouldn't you agree???

Anonymous said...

DeeAnn Said
yes Jennifer they sure could and I for one think all of your generation of mothers and wives (at least the ones in our family) are pretty well loved and taken care of. I had a nice mothers day as Jesse (with Jeff trying to help) made dinner for me and Patty.
We were all jsut so tired from all we did on Saturday that it was pretty low key.

Anonymous said...

Cathy here, I'm glad that you all had great mother's days. I too was spoiled with basted eggs and toast(I've waited 34 years for that) for breakfast. I talked to all the kids and got hugs and kisses from all the grandkids. I am so blessed! To have them here to play with. After the Relief Society lesson that I taught, the day was very pleasant. Quiet is not an option when we are all together but there is always enough time when the house is quiet in fact I really dread the time when it is quiet. Love Ya all, Cathy

Anonymous said...

cathy, I LOVE when my house is quiet and dread when Ethan invites any little friends over mainly because of the noise and the mess. Funny that you taught in RS yesterday. SO did I. Lesson 9, right? Excellent lesson. Crystal teaches it next sunday - i just sent her all my lesson notes!